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cen·te·nar·i·an: 5. A title anyone can dream of holding.
For the love of our Grandparents.
Preservations of Beloved Family Voices In The Purest Form
Beatrice "Pat" Steinfeld
Plays Piano, Age 100
How to add your family members story to The Centenarian Universe
1. Find or record any video or audio footage of your Centenarian loved one.
2. Create video file with in this format CentenariansFirstName_LastName.mp4
(if only audio, CentenariansFirstName_LastName.mp3)
3. Create document with the Centenarian's NAME, AGE, D.O.B, and any other information you'd like us to note. Name it CentenariansFirstName_LastName.pdf
4. Upload your preservation and document using the "Add Your Story" Button Below

Marvin Creamer
The Only Recorded Human to Ever Sail The Earth Without Navigational Equipment
Age 104
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